Monthly Log 2024-03

more bevy replicon stuff

Tried a few libraries for rollback/snapshot netcode:

  • bevy_timewarp
    • no examples, documentation is pretty rough
  • bevy_replicon_snap
    • seems very immature, got a lot of weird behavior at high latencies. (Tangentially, tc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 200ms is a fun command)

Overall, I spent way too much time spinning my wheels and have very little to show for it. I spent the last day of the month basically undoing most of my changes to revert it back to being a local-multiplayer game. I'm also trying to refactor it to make more sense, but seeing how I have very little experience, it's pretty tough. I think I might just start from scratch on a simpler game, with more focus on game mechanics and playability rather than spending so much time on high-complexity features like scriptable abilities and multiplayer. Maybe even enter a game jam or something.

blender mod

  • bought a $30 blender on craigslist because i was tired of holding down the cup on my smaller personal ninja blender
  • fool that I am, this one you have to hold down the button, so I still can't walk away from it while blending
  • so i soldered a toggle switch on it in parallel with the momentary switch
  • fortunately, it was easier to take apart than my old smaller blender
  • i once again forgot to take pics
  • super easy modification that i think anyone can do to almost any blender